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way out

Way out and across the snow
To other links . . .

My updating continues (February 7, 2025). Here are source-links for news and blogs, video podcasts, past and present wildlife, and fun or useful sites.

News and Blogs

Craig Murray
Historian, former ambassador, and human rights activist. Includes excellent coverage on everything to do about Assange.

Moon of Alabama
Incisive analysis by "b" covering world issues.

Naked Capitalism
Comprehensive news and information via its daily links and articles.

A Son of the New American Revolution
Analysis by Larry Johnson, whose background includes stints at the CIA and the State Department.

steel city scribblings
The blog takes a philosophical view into life and the world.

Video Podcats

Deep Dive
Daniel Davies has passionately logical analysis of the military situations, either with guests or by himself.

Dialogue Works
Nima R. Alkhorshid has in-depth interviews (average an hour long) with a variety of guests. One of my favorites is a weekly interview with Richard Wolf and Michael Hudson.

The Duran
The Duran includes daily podcasts by Alex Christoforou (who walks about wherever) and Alexander Mercouris (who covers the world situation - particularly in Ukraine); they often have a joint video too.

Judging Freedom
On most weekdays, Judge Napolitano, an expert on the U.S. Constitution, interviews various guests on the world situation.

Mother of All Talk Shows (Moats)
The typical format of Moats includes a George Galloway monologue, interviews, and taking phone calls. George Galloway's voice is second to none.

Wildlife Past and Present

Devoted to North American insects, spiders and their kin and offers identification, images, and information.

Butterflies and Moths of North America
Photos, facts, and distribution maps about butterflies and moths.

Centre Wildlife Care
Operating in central Pennsylvania, CWC helps orphaned and injured wild animals (wildlife rescue).

Grey and Red: A Squirrel Journal
Curious about squirrels? The journal covers everything from daily life to rehabilitation. Good photos, good stories, great entertainment.

Love in the Time of Chasmosaurs
Exploring the Mesozoic era in science, art, and pop culture.

Good, Fun, and/or Useful

Critters Writers' Workshop
An online group for fantasy, horror, and science fiction writers who both critique members' stories and receive critiques of their own stories. It works amazingly well, and it's free. I personally find it extremely useful and wholehearted recommend Critters to anyone writing genre fiction.

The Far Side
The official online home of The Far Side comic strip by Gary Larson for your daily dose of Gary’s classic cartoons.

First Dog on the Moon
The glorious home of the Walkley Award-winning political cartoonist.

Project Gutenberg
Download free ebooks for kindle, android, ipad, nook, epub or read online. No registration required.

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