While my folks were busily indoctrinating me that people
traveled after retirement, Sue was hitchhiking and traveling from one
end of Europe to another. Consequently, when Sue and I began traveling
together, I could count on her experience and savvy, as well as learning
to get a seat by a window -- any window -- whenever possible.
We met at NYU, as workers actually. I had come back from an autumn and a tent in Vermont, and NYU was one of the few places willing to give me a job (not after a little effort). She told me that she had been to see the midnight sun at the North Cape. How much more do you have to know about a person? We got married several weeks after that. Later I found out she descended Silver How, a Lake District fell, in a pair of Dr. Scholl's via the "scree." That's class.
It's a water color/pencil sketch (4 by 6 inches): While looking at the Castlerigg Stone Circle during a light rain. There will be many references regarding light rain in the Lake District throughout these pages.