Pipe smoking is a pleasure . . . though also a hazard in the eyes (and lungs) of some. For the former, following is a list of my own pipe-related pages and my favorite pipe links.
Update 6 Feb. 2011: Testing a Tim Fuller otherwood pipe, Marblewood.

My Pipe and Tobacco Pages
My design entry in Le Nuvole competition |
Anatomy of a pipe | A 3D cutaway |
The Hunt for Condor |
Obtaining Condor | Resources by mail and e-mail |
Tobacco reviews 1
Reviews 2 | Some irreverent reviews |
2 pipe cartoons | (Originally drawn for Pipe Friendly) |
A pipe assortment |
Preben Holm | |
Ben Wade | More Ben Wades |
Le Nuvole pipes by Maurizio Tombari |
Pipes by Paul Bonaquisti |
A few pipes by Mark Tinsky, along with Odin's spear, Practice, and Driftwood, not to mention these five or the beauty of natural briar |
Tim Fuller pipes, Flare, Raptor, Coco, Applejack, Adagio, Pawlonia, Bocote, Golden, Box elder, Raven, Sunset, Ripple, and Marblewood |
My pipe! | A random assortment |
New old pipes |
My 3D rendered pipes |
Argo: The pipe of Ulysses | My first "natural" texture pipe |
Star of Finland | Good photo rendering |
Pipe of the ax | A rough-hewn freehand |
Head Ransom | Egil Skallagrimsson's pipe |
Pohjolan tytär | A woman's pipe (with jewelry) |
Odin's spear | A weapon of a pipe |
Leonardo Da Vinci's pipe | A recently discovered design |
The starship | Smoke the universe in style |
My 3D AVIs |
The smoke ring | Pohjolan tytär in action |
Pipe and Tobacco Links
- About the first place anyone should stop at is Pipes Web Page, an excellent resource for the pipe smoker (and the odd cigar smokers among you).
- Another terrific page on pipes is produced by the Organization of Online Pipe Smokers, informally known
to its friends as Ooops.
- For a very personal approach to rating various tobaccos, an excellent site is maintained by Kevin Cook.
- Happily, the extensive pipe pages of my good friend Antti Kalliokoski are online again.
- Mark Tinsky is an American pipe designer-maker whose pipes look and smoke beautifully.
- Over at Park Lane Tobacconist, Paul Bonacquisti and friends sell a wonderous assortment of pipes and tobacco.
- Smokingpipes.com has an amazing number of pipes and tobacco for sale, as well as a weekly newsletter.
- Recalling the dynamics and beauty of Preben Holm and Ben Wade, TCFuller Pipes has a superb collection of handmade freehands.
- The Enzo Medici Smoking Area has beautiful pages, impressive artwork, and an absolutely amazing club.
- Both a set of pages and a periodical, Pipe Friendly is, well, friendly.
- In addition to having collected interesting pipes, Al Maloney, in Al's Pipe Pages, has carved his own unique series of pipes.
- My favorite online tobacconist is James Barber Tobacconists and Cigar Merchants (England).
- The source of beautiful pipes made by Maurizio Tombari: Le Nuvole (with a newly designed and friendly site, September 2009).
- Juan Carlos has started the Yahoo Italian Pipes Group (YIPG) for those interested in Italian pipe makers.