Least SandpiperMay 2009

As a family, sandpipers include a large number of species, and, for me, it can be frustrating telling one from the other. (That's when I depend on taking a decent photo and expert birders.)

Following are three big photos of the smallest sandpiper: the least sandpiper.

The least sandpiper is tiny! Think of a warbler on a pair of toothpicks, and you have an idea of its size.

Least sandpiper approaching
  The embarrassment on the day I took the photos was that the least sandpiper landed too close to me. The minimum focal distance of the lens I was using is 27 feet, and I had to back carefully away, so as not to disturb the sandpiper.

The least sandpiper cooperated by walking farther away.

Least sandpiper walking
  Last, a good profile of the Least.
Least sandpiper
  My regret on the day was not havig a smaller lens, because nearby were a bunch of frolicking American toads, which dwarfed the least sandpiper and which would have made a good size comparison.

Photo note: I used a Pentax K200D, with SMC 1000mm reflex lens during April 2009.

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