In April at Saddle Rock, Long Island, the first trees to show activity are the red maple and the Callery pear.
The Callery pear is native to China (and consequently not in the Audubon tree fieldguide) but is widely used as an ornamental tree throughout Long Island. Its fruit is very small and not edible (as far as I know), but the tree is a true treasure of spring color.
The first macro is from April 2. The buds are beginning to open.
The second macro from April 8 shows the bud having divided into many fuzzy balls.
By April 18, the spheres have changed from green pink to pink white.
Two days later and the first Callery blossoms are open. The ones below are a little ahead of time - good sunlight! On opening, the pink has transformed into brilliant white petals with red-tipped stamen.