Birds along the north fork, Long Island


If not holding their wings out to dry in singular fashion, cormorants zoom along the water's edge by Long Island Sound.

If not as dynamic, the song sparrow (below) has one of the longest migration routes to trill away while enjoying its summers on Long Island.
Song sparrow

Staging a remarkable comeback with the introduction of "crafted" nests for them, osprey have become a common sight along most of the Long Island shore. They're eagle-size but limit themselves to fish.

The piping plover (below) dodges into and out of the surf to peck away for its food, but its coloration (and shyness) makes it rather difficult to spot.
Piping plover
However, the piping plover is rather bright in comparison with its chick (below) who resembles more a cotton puff on two toothpicks.

Piper plover chick

Actually, neither Sue nor I would have spotted the chick if not for the antics of its parent, who was doing its best to distract. That made us pause a little to look around and see a couple of the cotton puffs running around. There was protective fencing to contain the nesting site, but the chicks had strayed beyond it, as chicks often do.

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